Every small business starts with one or two great people, but great businesses aren’t built on any one person, they’re built on a framework of systems and policies that help team members work together more efficiently and effectively.
Management Consulting for Small Businesses
As every successful entrepreneur, banker and investor knows, having a great plan is just the beginning. Now you have to implement it. Our management consulting services are designed to do just that.

We help business owners get the right people, processes, systems and policies in place, so they can run their business more efficiently, accelerate business growth, and reduce dependence on the business owner and other key employees.
We Help Business owners:
- Transition away from day-to-day operations
- Raise management expectations and improve employee accountability
- Reduce risks related to key personnel absences, exits or other conditions
- Reduce costs and increase efficiencies
- Drive more reliable and more predictable revenue growth
- Increase both top and bottom lines
- Significantly increase the value of the business
Our Approach
Changing old habits requires time. Most engagements take at least six months. We start with an assessment. Once we have a solid understanding of the facts, we develop a plan. We then work closely with the owner and other senior management to implement the plan. Every engagement is slightly different, but we may need to spend one or two days a week on site for the first month or two. In between the visits, we communicate by phone, email, and conference calls.
Once the core systems and procedures are in place, we can usually reduce the time spent onsite. Future visits focus on developing and refining other processes, training management and staff, monitoring progress, gathering feedback, and making adjustments as needed.
Tasks and deliverables vary from business to business based on their needs, but often include:
- Creating new roles or redesigning existing roles
- Designing employee checklists for business processes
- Developing new systems to increase speed, reduce waste, improve quality and lower costs
- Designing training programs
- Researching, testing, and recommending software
- Identifying best-match vendors and solution providers

If you are tired of mediocre performance, inefficient systems, teams that don’t work together, or spending too much time and effort on day-to-day operations, give us a call.