Business Planning

We work closely with you to understand your vision, research your markets and competitors, and then develop a plan for your business. Although most clients hire us to write a business plan, they often find that the process they go through developing a plan is ultimately more valuable than the final documents themselves.

Business Plan Development Process

During our business planning process, we will help you refine your business model, identify your most profitable customers and improve your sales projections. We provide an objective view, so your final business plan is based on reality.

  1. We work closely with you to understand your goals and vision, and then help you develop your entire business plan, from “elevator pitch” to “exit strategy.”
  2. Each plan is tailored to meet the unique requirements of the client, not a canned generic report.
  3. We don’t just “write a business plan.” We question assumptions, perform independent research on the market and competition, and explore/propose alternative ways to market your product or service. 

Business planning is not a linear process. By the time we are done, the original business model may have been revised two or three times.

What’s Included in our Business Planning Service

A typical startup business plan includes all or most of the following components, but has less detail than a more established business would require.

  1. Industry Overview — a general description of the industry and its specific characteristics 
  2. Market Opportunity — a brief discussion of how large the business opportunity is in terms of revenue, number of customers, growth trends, etc.
  3. Customers — who are they, where are they, how many are there, etc.?
  4. Competition — understand the competitive landscape in as much detail as possible. If there are no direct competitors now, then who are your indirect competitors?
  5. Products & Services — What products and services will the business supply to customers?
  6. A description of the Business Model, including all major revenue streams. How will the business make money?
  7. Marketing & Sales Plan — how will you attract and retain customers, deliver your product/service to them, and earn their loyalty? How will you position your products and services relative to competitors?
  8. Operations — how will you get things done on a daily basis? This includes everything from research through production on to sales and billing.
  9. Management & Staff — probably the single most important factor in any effective business plan. Describe the management team in terms of experience, talents, connections, etc. What additional resources will you need to make the business succeed?
  10. Investment Opportunity and Exit Strategy for Investors — what will investors get for their money or their time? When and how will they be compensated?
  11. Financial Projections — focuses on cash flow projections (with major revenue sources and expenses included). We also map out the assumptions behind the financial projections.
  12. SWOT (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) Analysis